Grade 1

Year 1B students of EMP enjoyed making “Array City” as they became confident with groups of and rows of and how arrays help us to count fast. I just knew I had to adapt the lesson for my students. If there is a way to connect Maths, Art and writing, I am all for it!

Grade 2

This term students in 2A really enjoyed reading the story 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak. We have deconstructed the text. As a follow up students have created their own wild things and described their wild things using adjectives.

Snapshots of hands on activities of Maths Incursion and Integrated Studies display board.

Grade 2B have been learning about fractions. The students loved learning about fractions including halves, quarters and eighths. Solving problems using fractions was tricky but the students persevered and when reflecting on our learning, all felt they had made a big improvement with their understanding.

During ICT class, Grade 2B have been using Microsoft PowerPoint to make a slide show. Students enjoyed making their slide show and very highly engaged!

Gallery Title: ICT

Grade 4

4B News

In this newsletter I will be writing to you about what 4B has been learning about this term.

Integrated studies:

In integrated studies we have been learning about erosion and weathering. Erosion is caused when water, wind or ice retransforms land and rock. Water is the main cause of erosion. It is the main cause of erosion because, for example, when it rains the water seeps through the cracks of the rock, and stays there overnight. The water freezes and becomes ice due to the cold temperatures during the time. The ice needs more space so it expands and breaks the rock. Erosion can take a thousand years or could take just a night. Weathering is caused when wind or ice blows away sediments of land and rock. Wind is the main cause of erosion. It is the main cause of erosion because, for example, wind or breeze will constantly keep on blowing and if it keeps on blowing, it keeps on blowing bits of dirt or rock.


In English we have been learning to write Persuasive/Exposition texts. This text has a title, an introduction, 3 different arguments for 3 paragraphs, and a conclusion. So far we have written about the following topics: Ms. Zeynep should open the ‘Do Not Open This Book’ book, Video games should/shouldn’t be banned, Animals shouldn’t be exploited and rubbish bins should/shouldn’t be allowed in front yards. 4B is really enjoying writing argumentative texts.


In math we have been learning about fractions and temperature. Fractions have denominator and a numerator. Temperature determines how hot or cold a substance is. Temperatures are always measured by units for example, Celsius or Farenheight.

PE (Sport):

In PE we have been playing different variations of soccer for example, protect the cone. We versed the grade 3’s and we won! Then from week 5, we started to play dodgeball. The first game played was dodgeball memory tag. It was soooo fun!


In art we have used oil pastels, watercolour pencils. We also had the opportunity to mould and paint clay. We used the water colour pencils for drawing/painting citrus fruits, the oil pastels for drawing 3D cakes, the clay for making clay slices to paint.


In Turkish we have been learning about jobs (Meslekler). Some examples of jobs are: ciftci (farmer), muhendis (engineer), doktor (doctor) and more.

RV (Religion and Values):

In religion and values we have been learning about Hajj and Zakat. Hajj means pilgrimage and makes sense because, Muslims go for Hajj to Makkah, a city in Saudi Arabia. Zakat is when you money to help the needy and poor. Zakat is Compulsory for everyone.


In Health we been learning about pedestrian, passenger, bicycle, community and school safety. During our lessons, we formed groups and each of the groups had a different topic about safety to present to the rest of the class. We found out facts about the topic using iPads then we used that information to either make a poster, write a speech or create play to model the safety rules. This was great fun!

That’s the end of 4B newsletter and I hope you enjoyed reading about the 4B class experiences!!!

Written By:
Maryam Abdulhadi Syed
Grade 4B